Program Administrator - Music and Creative Industries Degree, Pop Academy Baden-Wuerttemberg - University of Popular Music and Music Business.
After finishing her studies in Sport Science with a major in Computer Science at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Diploma 1999) and a Diploma in Media Science at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (2001) Dr. Nina Schneider completed her PhD in Media Science in 2007. Her dissertation addresses the topic - Fernsehkonvergente Internetangebote im Interessenbereich von Jugendlichen“ [TV-converging Internet Offers in the Internet Sector of Teenagers].
In 2001, Nina started her career in the Study Program Management within the Faculty of Media Science at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen as an academic. Nina gained plenty of experience in different media fields such as broadcasting, television as well as operating in the management sector of the Faculty of Media Science and being actively involved in teaching within the faculty.
In late summer 2010, Nina took on the position of the Degree Program Administrator at Pop Academy Baden-Wuerttemberg and established the Master Degree Program in Music and Creative Industries which commenced in 2011.
Professor Nina Schneider